两天在给自己的网站做一些小小的 SEO 优化,比如增加一些内链。手动增加当然是太繁琐了,于是就想到了自动增加。下面就分享一下 WordPress 中自动为文章的标签添加内链的方法。
WordPress 自动为文章标签关键词 (tag) 添加内部链接
方法比较简单,在后台编辑主题的地方,找到 functions.php,然后在该文件最后添加上下面的代码即可:
* WordPress 自动为文章标签添加该标签的链接
* https://www.shuzicn.com/1.html
$match_num_from = 1; // 一个标签在文章中出现少于多少次不添加链接
$match_num_to = 1; // 一篇文章中同一个标签添加几次链接
function tag_sort($a, $b){
if ( $a->name == $b->name ) return 0;
return ( strlen($a->name) > strlen($b->name) ) ? -1 : 1;
function tag_link($content){
global $match_num_from,$match_num_to;
$posttags = get_the_tags();
if ($posttags) {
usort($posttags, "tag_sort");
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
$link = get_tag_link($tag->term_id);
$keyword = $tag->name;
$cleankeyword = stripslashes($keyword);
$url = "<a href=\"$link\" title=\"".str_replace('%s',addcslashes($cleankeyword, '$'),__('View all posts in %s'))."\"";
$url .= ' target="_blank"';
$url .= ">".addcslashes($cleankeyword, '$')."</a>";
$limit = rand($match_num_from,$match_num_to);
$content = preg_replace( '|(<a[^>]+>)(.*)('.$ex_word.')(.*)(</a[^>]*>)|U'.$case, '$1$2%&&&&&%$4$5', $content);
$content = preg_replace( '|(<img)(.*?)('.$ex_word.')(.*?)(>)|U'.$case, '$1$2%&&&&&%$4$5', $content);
$cleankeyword = preg_quote($cleankeyword,'\'');
$regEx = '\'(?!((<.*?)|(<a.*?)))('. $cleankeyword . ')(?!(([^<>]*?)>)|([^>]*?</a>))\'s' . $case;
$content = preg_replace($regEx,$url,$content,$limit);
$content = str_replace( '%&&&&&%', stripslashes($ex_word), $content);
return $content;
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